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Brayden set to increase its range of award-winning manikins

The Brayden range of manikins for CPR training is being enhanced to include two new models, the Brayden Junior (converter kit) and the Brayden Baby. Demand for Brayden manikins has been excellent and with the new additions to the range, this will mean the ‘family’ is growing.
From the initial Brayden basic CPR manikin, new and enhanced versions have been skilfully developed. Community First Responders and training organisations will be familiar with the award-winning Brayden with Lights, the first manikin to provide visual feedback on CPR performance. This manikin has received excellent reviews from medical professionals, who praise the use of intuitive lights that show if users are performing the correct CPR technique for depth, speed and release between compressions. Unlike some other manikins, it is fully compliant with both the AHA and ERC 2015 Guidelines - specifically, it is compliant with the ERC requirement to compress the chest to a depth of 5-6cms.
To add to the training value of the above, the Brayden Pro manikin was developed subsequently for group training purposes, whereby up to six manikins can be monitored at a time with a Bluetooth connection to a tablet. Real time feedback of key CPR parameters can be reviewed, analysed and exported. Students can see the results of their efforts and various training modes are provided to meet different scenarios, for example, compressions only, ventilation only. Records can be stored and easily exported via email and numeric data can be accessed easily for later analysis.
NEW Brayden manikins coming soon
Brayden Junior - a cost effective ‘two in one’ manikin
Demand for the Brayden range to include a junior/child is now being met with the development of the Brayden Junior.
Brayden Junior provides a converter kit that offers a simple procedure for quickly transforming the adult Brayden manikin into a junior/child manikin by changing the face and body skin and replacing the internal compression spring. Converting the adult Brayden to a Junior Brayden is quick and easy to do and offers a very effective alternative to having to keep two different types of manikins – a real ‘two in one’ solution for users. This also offers a saving on costs and on a practical level, offers the convenience of not having to carry around two different manikins.
Brayden Baby - intuitive lights help improve CPR performance
Currently under development, the Brayden Baby is designed with the help of key opinion leaders representing the ERC, other national Resuscitation councils and leading European paediatric institutions.
Brayden Baby uses advanced sensors to detect and analyse the effectiveness of CPR. Sets of inter-related LED lights illuminate to show key performance indicators. Good quality ventilation is vital for successful resuscitation of an infant and Brayden
Baby has intuitive lights to help guide the student to perform good quality ventilation.:Lights in the chest illuminate to show correct compression depth; and blood circulation lights illuminate to represent the flow of blood from the heart to the brain, which also has a CPR quality indicating light - this only illuminates when correct compression depth, compression rate and full chest release is performed, similar to the function in the award winning Brayden manikin.
Training and medical professionals confirm that being able to see and have immediate feedback on CPR performance, provides a tremendous boost to confidence and demonstrably helps improve technique and skill levels.
• For more information about the Brayden range of manikins, please email: