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Disposable development from Proact

Proact is the UK distributor of the latest development in disposable ECG technology.
The IP Set(r) Disposable Fast ECG System offers an accurate and time saving solution when you require ECG monitoring.
For example, a 12 lead ECG can be applied typically in under 45 seconds giving huge time savings and improving patient care.
The IP Set(r) electrodes are hardwired, providing an ultra reliable contact. This eradicates the common errors caused by poor electrical contacts.
The electrodes are have a specially developed hypoallergenic water-based adhesive gel, which offers secure yet comfortable patient application and removal, even with fragile skin. The IP Set(r) is compatible with all major ECG monitoring systems.
A full range of special IP Set reusable trunk cables and disposable IP Set(r) leadwires (3, 5 and 12 lead) are available to suit all lead requirements including a full range of X-ray compatible radio translucent carbon leadwires.
Full details on the IP Set are available in Proact's new 2008/09 catalogue.
Call 0845 051 4244 or e-mail
for your copy.