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Gold standard from Proact

PROACT's range Laryngoscopes, including the Metal Max Disposable Laryngoscopes, are the largest range of laryngoscopes in the world, offering an amazingly wide range of blades, handles and accessories covering both the conventional ISO 7376/1 and green system ISO7376/3 fittings.
PROACT are also continue to invest heavily into future development - where some of our competitors "dabble". New to the Metal Max range is the LED range of Disposable laryngoscopes - another world first! These blades offer an impeccable, repeatable LED light source, offering the benefit of a "fibre optic" style, cold bright light at a lower cost.
The blades conform to the ISO7376/1 conventional blade standard. The original Metal Max 90 and 100 conventional blades, which use a standard bulb will still be available to customers.
PROACT is committed to specialising in airway management products. No surprise then that Metal Max products are gold standard equipment for a huge and ever increasing number of clinicians, hospital trusts and ambulance services. But please don't take PROACT's word for it, contact PROACT to try the products for yourselves.
For more information:
Tel: 0845 051 4244
or visit