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Successful Launch of Innovative Emergency Evacuation Equipment

Promove UK Ltd launched their new and pioneering solution to emergency evacuation at this year's AMBEX in Harrogate.
The sling, called Promove, is designed for moving and handling incapacitated or disabled, including bariatric individuals in confined or outdoor spaces where a hoist cannot be used.
The sling allows an individual to be moved without being manhandled and with the least risk to the operator. It has been independently tested to carry a range of different sized individuals, from children to large adults weighing up to 45 stone.
Promove is easily placed beneath an incapacitated person whether lying on the ground, seated in a chair or restricted in a tight corner. It provides good support, forming a bucket shaped seat, giving a sense of security for moving and transferring.
Dr Huw Thomas, creator of Promove said: "This is our first exhibition within this sector and we were very impressed with the quality and quantity of visitors and the number of leads we've been able to generate."
"The event represents a good selection of industry organisations from suppliers to manufacturers, and was the best platform to showcase our new product."
The Promove provides the operatives with excellent grasping handles to the front and rear, and can be operated by a minimum of two or maximum of eight operatives - making moving and handling controlled and secure. The standard of its innovative design was recently recognised at the International Exhibition of Invention Geneva with a Bronze Medal Award.
The sling can be used with a transfer board and / or glide sheet to assist in the safe handling of individuals, particularly if they have no upper body strength and cannot assist with the transfer. Promove was designed by a disabled person with input from moving and handling specialists in Fire and Rescue, Ambulance and Health care.
This was the first time the sling was showcased at such a targeted event and the feedback and response from visitors and speakers within the ambulance industry was extremely positive. Free trials of the sling are now being offered to emergency services personnel on the basis of receiving an evaluation report on the device.
For further information and a free trial, please contact Dr Huw Thomas or Dana Thomas by telephone on 01970 820893 or by e-mail or