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ZOLL Busiest Stand at AMBEX !

James Barton - CPR Challenge Winner
ZOLL's CPR Challenge once again drew the crowds at AMBEX 2008 as delegates sought to flex their muscles and test their CPR skills to win an iPod.
ZOLL's Real CPR Help® technology clearly impressed the delegates as they queued to participate in the ZOLL CPR Challenge.
The challenge consisted of delegates performing 2 minutes of CPR on either an E Series® or AED Pro® professional EMS Defibrillator or on the ZOLL first responder AED Plus® defibrillator. Both devices feature ZOLL's Real CPR Help technology, which gives rescuers feedback on how well they perform the rate and depth of CPR chest compressions in real time, helping rescuers improve CPR quality performance.
A prize was given to the top CPR performer each day of AMBEX and the highest scorer of the entire event was Paul Traynor, an Advanced Paramedic from HSE Ambulance Service in Ireland with a score of 99.51%. Indeed this is the highest score ever recorded during a ZOLL CPR Challenge.
James Barton, Student Paramedic at Worcester University won Wednesday's competition with a score of 99.49%
"Once again the CPR Challenge proved very popular at AMBEX this year, and for this reason we have developed the CPR Challenge Roadshow for any services interested in running a challenge at any of their own facilities." commented Managing Director of ZOLL, Mark Webster
The CPR Challenge Roadshow is available to Ambulance Services nationwide. ZOLL will come to your Trust and run a CPR challenge with your staff. The highest scorer of each day will win an iPod. For those who have not already scheduled a CPR challenge, you can do so by contacting Jill Garratt on 01928 595 160 or email