A new post for Jane
Tuesday, 29 April, 2008

South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Trust (SECAmb) has become the first ambulance trust in the country to appoint a Safeguarding Children and Adults Manager.
Jane Mitchell, will be putting robust systems in place to ensure that any concerns raised by staff regarding the wellbeing and safety of vulnerable children and adults are dealt with appropriately.
Jane, a paramedic previously based in Brighton for 13 years, said, "I am delighted to have this opportunity to raise awareness of this important issue.
"The ambulance service has an important role to ensure that cases relating to vulnerable children and adults are dealt with quickly and appropriately.
"Often we will be the first organisation to be made of aware of such cases and therefore we need to be correctly identifying and reporting them to the appropriate authorities and my role is to ensure that that happens."
The Trust has taken a positive approach to this important issue following a change in the law which places an onus on public bodies such as the NHS, police, fire and education services to report any concerns they have about the welfare of children.