ASN's farewell to Ambex
Tuesday, 02 December, 2008
Having completed a fundamental review of its annual conference Ambex, the Ambulance Service Network has decided to change the format and frequency of its events programme.
As a result, the ASN will no longer be running Ambex. The Network will move on to holding a series of events that will engage ambulance services with other parts of the NHS to promote world class emergency and urgent care.
Liz Kendall, director of the ASN, explained, "The Ambulance Service Network has ambitious plans for promoting the ambulance service as one of the most dynamic and innovative parts of the NHS. "After extensive consultation with our members, the ASN Board has decided to
change the Network's conference programme to ensure it more effectively engages
with the wider NHS in developing world class emergency and urgent care.
"Ambex was the leading UK ambulance service conference for many years. However, the Network has decided to move on to offer a range of events that better suit our members' needs. These will include distinct ASN events, as well as working with other NHS Confederation Networks and through the NHS Confederation's annual conference."
More information on the ASN's programme of events will be published on the ASN website in due course. Two dates already announced are the NHS Confederation annual conference and exhibition 2009, which will take place from 10 - 12 June 2009 in Liverpool ( and the NHS Employers annual conference and exhibition
2009, which takes place from 3 - 5 November 2009 in Birmingham (