An end to over 100 years service
Wednesday, 04 February, 2009

ABargoed family's 100-year association with the Welsh Ambulance Service will soon come to an end.That's when paramedic supervisor Tony Payne follows his late father Jack and elder brother Terry into retirement. Together the three of them have chalked up 103 years with the Ambulance Service.
Tony joined the old Glamorgan County Ambulance Service back in 1972: "My dad was already in and he asked me if I was interested. I joined up and have been in the Ambulance
Service ever since and I've really enjoyed it although it has changed so much.
"In those days there was no such thing as categorizing calls and it was often what we called 'shovel and run'. Some of the vehicles didn't even have oxygen on them and now we're doing
things like thrombolysis."
Tony and brother Terry trained together as paramedics and qualified in 1991 and have both always been stationed at Bargoed and have often worked together. Tony is looking forward
to joining Terry in retirement.