Super heroes festive surprise
Thursday, 17 December, 2009

Children who are spending this Christmas in the Lister Hospital in Stevenage had a very special surprise on Monday afternoon (14th December).
Batman and Robin and a team from Star Wars were invited along to Bluebell ward to help cheer up the children who will be celebrating Christmas in hospital. The children were so excited about their visitors, albeit some scary looking ones!
The children asked if their heroes could have a picture taken with all the various members of staff who help people, and at hand were crews from Letchworth and Stevenage ambulance stations. Paramedic Rona Anderson and her colleague Mark Cremin posed for the camera alongside Matt Gill from Stevenage station.
The group who cheered up the children are called UK Garrison. They are a volunteer costume organisation and they pay for all their expenses and own their own costumes. Their website is