Brownies make the grade
Thursday, 03 June, 2010

Robert with the brownie group.
A group of Brownies are flying high after successfully passing their basic first aid badge.
The 3rd Marsh Farm Brownies group based in Luton, invited along East of England Ambulance Service clinical operations manager, Robert Grogan to assist with their first aid sessions. Robert said: " The Brown Owl in charge of the group approached me knowing I worked for the ambulance service. She asked me if I would be willing to help them teach and prepare the brownies to complete their first aid badge. To break their training up in to smaller sessions, I delivered the training over three week period, approximately 45 minutes each week. The brownies covered areas such as calling for help, recovery position, wounds and bleeding, burns and treatment."
During May, Robert was invited back to the group and present them with their certificates for successfully passing all the first aid sessions. Robert said: "It was a pleasure to help out on this worthy course. They all worked extremely hard and they thoroughly deserved their certificates, well done to you all."
Robert has since received a phone call and asked to come back later in the year to assist in their advanced first aid badge.