Chairman to step down from Ambulance Trust Board
Monday, 14 June, 2010

South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Trust (SECAmb) Chairman, Martin Kitchen has announced his intention to step down from the Trust Board.
Martin, who has been SECAmb's Chairman since the since the Trust was formed in 2006, and who has worked in the public sector for more than 40 years, intends to relocate to Somerset with his family.
During his career Martin was previously Chair of East Sussex Primary Care Trust and worked as a Fire Service Officer in London Fire Brigade before moving to Surrey County Council as Chief Fire Officer and Director of Community Safety.
Martin said: "It has been an honour and a privilege to chair such an innovative, patient-focused organisation whose workforce is second to none. In my time at SECAmb the Trust has come a long way and is now recognised as one of the most successful ambulance trusts in the country. I know that the Trust will continue to go from strength-to-strength into the future to the benefit of our patients."
SECAmb Chief Executive Paul Sutton said: "Martin's departure is a great loss to SECAmb. He has always been passionate about delivering world-class services to our patients and has supported me in leading SECAmb through rapid and significant transformation.
"SECAmb now sits in a very strong position with regard to national performance standards, its cardiac arrest survival rates and its position as the front runner in becoming a foundation trust. In my opinion this is largely due to Martin's stewardship and challenge from the top of our organisation.
"I know that Martin is sad to be leaving a Trust that he cares so much about and on behalf of all staff I would like to wish him and his family every success for the future in their new life in Somerset."
The Appointments Commission will be advertising for a new Chair shortly. Martin intends to remain as SECAmb Chairman until a successor is appointed.