Reassurance is the key
Thursday, 17 June, 2010

Residents in Knebworth had the opportunity to meet the emergency services and other partners at a Community Reassurance Day held in the village on Friday, June 4.
Steve Catley and Simon Marshall from the East of England Ambulance Service community partnership team spent the day alongside Knebworth's Safer Neighbourhood Policing Team, Hertfordshire Fire & Rescue Service. Also on hand were North Herts District Council Enforcement Officers who removed a number of illegal fly posters and the DVLA who clamped four vehicles for having no valid road tax. As part of the Community Payback scheme, the Probation Service also had a number of offenders who worked hard in extremely hot conditions - sanding and varnishing benches in the churchyard at St Martin's Church.
Simon Marshall, community partnership training officer said: "The day was very successful. Our static display attracted quite a few inquisitive children with their parents, and they were very interested trying out basic life support techniques." Safer Neighbourhood Officer PC Keith Harding said: "The day was a great success and the public were really pleased to see us all and find out what we are doing to make their community safe and strong. I wish to thank Steve, Simon and Gary from the ambulance service for making this day successful."