East of England success at Norfolk Show
Thursday, 08 July, 2010

Thousands flocked to the Trust stand at the Royal Norfolk Show this year to learn more about the service it provides.
The Trust shared a tent with Norfolk Police and there was also a Community First Responder stand nearby. Visitors came to find out information, pick up promotional booklets and have their blood pressure taken. Those who had used our service in the past were also asked to fill out patient surveys so the Trust can pinpoint what it does well and ways it can improve. Some visitors even came to ask about working as a paramedic.
The Patient and Public Involvement team, including managers Victoria Maillardet and Gina Pryor along with administrator Gillian Langley, and stroke lead Dan Phillips were kept busy throughout the two days as interested visitors of all ages queued to talk to them, look around an ambulance and have a blood pressure check.
Victoria said: "The show went really well and we were all very busy. We took more than 300 blood pressures and a number of patient stories. "It was a very good couple of days and an excellent chance to promote the good work of the Trust." The Community First Responder stand was also kept busy, teaching people CPR and giving them fake wounds.
Andrew Barlow, community partnership manager for Norfolk, said: "We had a number of people learning CPR and having the wounds applied. "All in all the stand was never short of visitors and it was really successful."