Emotional reunion for West Suffolk crews
Friday, 03 September, 2010

From left to right, Justin, Mark, George and Matt
When George Anderson went to walk his dog, he didn't realise he would be the centre of attention in a quiet Thetford street.
On Monday, August 16, George, 66, stepped outside his house to give his 7-year-old Jack Russell, Pepsi her daily walk. George through a ball across the green as he always does, when Pepsi suddenly ran in front of a car and was badly injured. On seeing this, George then collapsed on to a grass verge.
George's son Ian ran out to help his dad and called 999. Bystanders came to assist Ian and helped placed George in the recovery position. They noticed he wasn't breathing. Within three minutes, EMT Mark Keeler and SAP Justin Gray arrived at the scene. When they approached George, he was blue and not responding. They immediately commenced basic life support and called for paramedic assistance.
Clinical operations manager for West Suffolk, Matt Broad was en route to Thetford when he received the call, he said: "When I arrived, both Mark and Justin were performing life support skills on the patient. They had already delivered three shocks via the a defibrillator and the fourth one we delivered, we got a response from George. A further two shocks were delivered and George was able to communicate with us en route to West Suffolk General Hospital. "
On Friday, August 27, Mark, Matt and Justin made a special journey to meet up with George at his home. George was overcome by the meet up, he said: "For once in my life I am practically speechless and I cannot describe the way I feel right now. I cannot remember much about the day but meeting the lads today has allowed me to fill some gaps. I spent a few weeks in hospital and thanks to them all, I can live my life in full."
Mark said: "It was amazing to see George following his cardiac arrest. Both Justin and I were taken back when he opened the door to us, he looks so well. It was a pleasure to see him and its great to see him and his dog Pepsi on a full road to recovery."