'Hoppy' retires
Monday, 06 September, 2010

Essex Community First Responder coordinators and colleagues from across the the East of England Ambulance Service gathered recently to say farewell to John Hopkins who has retired after serving 30 years.
Hoppy, as he is known to colleagues, had spent the last seven years managing the 75 CFR groups in Essex as the community partnership manager. Many glowing tributes about him were given by CFR volunteers and operational managers.
Paul Leaman, associate director - operational partnerships, who is responsible for the community partnership managers, said: "John will be an incredibly hard act to follow, he has conducted himself in an exemplary manner by engaging with the CFR groups, local community groups and, most recently meeting with the Gipsy and Traveller community to advise on the role of the ambulance service and their health needs.
"John will be missed by volunteers, staff and managers within the Trust. We wish him a long, healthy and happy retirement" John was presented with gift vouchers following a collection from colleagues and the CFR groups. His wife also attended the celebration and was presented with flowers and chocolates.
Wendy Risedale-Barrs, a Stowmarket paramedic, has been seconded to serve as community partnership manager for six months.