East of England HART make teenagers aware
Monday, 15 November, 2010

On Monday, November 1, a group of young motoring offenders from Hertfordshire attended a secret location in Bushey to take part in a road traffic collision reconstruction.
The project called 'Crash Bang' is to focus on and to encourage safe driving amongst young people in Hertfordshire. The group was made up of nine teenagers who are at risk of offending or are already on court orders for motoring offences.
They were shown the possible consequences of their actions by playing the part of casualties trapped inside three vehicles during a simulated road traffic collision, while firefighters used cutting equipment to take the cars apart whilst the trusts hazardous area response team paramedics treated and stabilised and extricated the casualties.
HART training manager Lewis Andrews, who arranged and co-ordinated the event said: "The HART operatives worked closely with Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service in the planning element from a medical perspective and we were able to provide two amputee patients as causalities which focused core clinical skills during the exercise along with the use of CAT tourniquets and EZIO. This once again strengthened our working relationship with the fire fighters. It was also an excellent forum to demonstrate the potential impact following these incidents. I would like to personally thank all staff involved from all aspects of the trust."
Hertfordshire Firefighter Watch Commander Bob Williams said: "This was an opportunity to demonstrate to these young people that the choices they make in life can have serious consequences. "This project has had a highly positive impact on those who have attended. Results have shown that of the 95 people who have attended in the past five years, only one has since committed a motoring offence. The project is in its fifth year and was set up by Hertfordshire County Council's Youth Offending Team, who work with people between the ages of 10 and 18."
Keith Emsall, Executive Member for Community Safety and Culture, said: "This project has proven to be a very effective way of getting a serious message across to young people, which we hope will help to keep them and others safe on the roads for many years to come. It aims to make the potential consequences of committing a motoring offence really hit home for young people and provide them with an experience they won't forget.
"The reconstruction has also served as a training opportunity; giving fire-fighters and HART paramedics the chance to practice their response to road traffic collisions using live casualties. I hope this worthy event will help to spread the word about the Crash Bang project and the difference being made to the lives of our young people through successful partnership working. "