Lights, camera, action for responder video
Tuesday, 04 January, 2011

Community partnership manager Andrew Barlow is interviewed.
The Trust's community partnership team paired up with volunteers in November to be the stars of a new recruitment video for first response.
Eighteen CFRs more used to volunteering in emergencies when they've been dispatched by the service took their spot in the limelight for the two-minute video, funded by the British Heart Foundation.
The recording will consist of three parts: what volunteers get out of first responding; what the training entails; a reconstruction of a typical call out. It is hoped the film will be used at publicity and recruitment events to attract more people to first responding as well as eventually being put on the Trust website.
Bryan Panton, of the Lavenham CFR group, said: "It was great to meet other responders from all over the region in such a friendly as well as productive environment. Literally everyone was having a good time and it really brought home to me the common commitment responders have not only to their communities, but to the trust and to each other."