Trust stalwart says farewell
Wednesday, 26 January, 2011

Norfolk paramedic Ian Christie said goodbye to scores of colleagues when he retired from the Trust last month after 36 years of service.
Ian started with the ambulance service in 1974, and has worked at various stations around Norwich, the most recent one being Longwater. Diane Chan, assistant general manager for central Norfolk, said: "Ian has always been a very valued member of staff, always reliable, caring, witty and conscientious.
"He always went that extra mile for patients and was a pleasure to know and work with." Ian, who took early retirement to care for a sick relative, said he was sad to be leaving the Trust. "I will miss my colleagues and the work I did helping other people - it was really satisfying."
Ian is a member of the Casualties Union and was also instrumental in setting up the Fenland Mountain Rescue Team, a group which meets casually for a chat and a drink at their local (ironically, the Fens are famous for being flat!).
Almost 50 of Ian's colleagues past and present came to bid farewell to him at his retirement party at the Bayer social club in Norwich.