Ambulance Patient Experience Game wins top award
Wednesday, 20 February, 2013

The North West Ambulance Service's Patient Experience work has won a top accolade at the 2013 Patient Experience Network National Awards ceremony, hosted at the Birmingham and Midlands Institute, on Wednesday 6 February.
The National Awards help to showcase some unique and innovative ways of gaining and improving patient experience from various NHS Trusts across the UK. NWAS' Patient Experience board game was awarded the 'Outstanding Patient Experience Innovation' Award; it was also one of four shortlisted finalists in the 'Access to Information' category.
Sarah Smith, NWAS Assistant Director Corporate Communications, said "The Patient Experience board game is an innovative tool, devised by the Patient Experience team, to engage with local communities.
"The game is a great way of allowing people to express any issues and consider their expectations and experiences of using our services. It is particularly unique in that it ensures we can engage with community groups, in a fun, informal and unimposing way whilst helping us to get important feedback and ultimately improve the services we provide.
"The game demonstrates great innovation, and the Award is the perfect celebration".
Members of the Patient Experience team attended the ceremony and showcased the game, whilst the judges made their final decisions. It was a brilliant opportunity to meet with other teams from across the UK, and learn more about their innovations and dedication towards improving patient experience.
If you would like further information about the Patient Experience Board Game, or think that there is a community group in your area that would be interested in arranging a session, please email: