SWAS donate Landcruiser to Kosovo
Friday, 11 October, 2013

South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SWASFT) has prepared and donated a Toyota Landcruiser, previously operating out of Launceston, to the people of Kosovo. Shown here are Barry Kressinger and Mike Williams from District 1290 of the Rotary International of Cornwall/Plymouth and West Devon with Dave Austin (centre) from Derriford Ambulance Station who oversaw the works on the vehicle.
The organisation has been a long term supporter of charitable objectives in Belarus and the Balkans by providing ambulance, fire and transport vehicles along with medical equipment. They also provide personnel for education and training initiatives to relieve poverty, preserve health and advance education.
Kevin Bartholomew SWASFT’s Fleet Operations Manager says “We are delighted to be associated with Rotary International and hope this useful vehicle will serve the people of Kosovo well as it has the residents of Cornwall and West Devon”.