SP Services Donating £5 for every Movember Progress Photo
Tuesday, 18 November, 2014

SP Services are donating £5 for every Movember* Progress Photo Shared with Them on Facebook & Twitter
It’s that time of year again: most of the men you know (this may include you!) have two-weeks worth of a moustache grown and they aren’t stopping yet. Movember has been a viral movement for guys across the globe to grow moustaches and raise money and awareness for men’s health, but it’s also an official global charity.
At the midway mark in November, it’s possible many may be getting itchy feet...or faces with your Movember attempts, to try and keep all eyes on the finish line SP Services, the Shropshire based one-stop-shop for all first aid equipment to frontline medical supplies is offering a £5 Movember* donation in exchange for every progress pictures from all you paramedics, ambulance and medical staff that have got involved!
Simply send us your Movember progress picture with you in uniform – for every picture received we’ll donate £5 to Movember.
Here’s how it works:
1.Get in your uniform and brush that tashe
2.Take a picture of that cultivating face fur
3.Share the picture (we’ll also accept pictures of fake facial hair too, but still in uniform) on one of our social channels using these ‘tachetags: #SPMoPic #Movember – or email it to anneka.lowe@spservices.co.uk
4.We’ll donate £5 to Movember* for every picture we receive!
It’s that simple, so get snapping and sharing
Facebook - www.facebook.com/SPServices
Twitter - www.twitter.com/SPServicesUK
Email - anneka.lowe@spservices.co.uk
Full details and terms and conditions can be found at www.spservices.co.uk/page/Movember2014
*Terms & Conditions:
Only one entry per person. Entrants must be in uniform from a medical, ambulance or search and rescue background. The campaign is intended for the customers of SP Services (UK) Ltd and employees of SP Services (UK) Ltd. £5 per moustache image will be paid to Movember Europe Trading Limited, which donates all its taxable profits to Movember Europe, a registered charity number 1137948. SP Services (UK) Ltd will donate £5 for each image received in the manner requested as part of the campaign (either via Facebook, Twitter and other social networks or via email). SP Services (UK) Ltd will donate a maximum of £500 to the Movember charity organisers. If the number of images received exceeds 100, SP Services (UK) Ltd is only accountable for the maximum £500 pledge. All images will be posted on the SP Services (UK) Ltd social networks and the final amount donated to the Movember charity will be disclosed at the appropriate time.
SP Services (UK) Ltd | 01952 288 999 | www.spservices.co.uk | sales@spservices.co.uk
Bastion House, Hortonwood 30, Telford, Shropshire, TF1 7XT