O&H Vehicle Conversions to supply 220 Emergency vehicles to West Midlands Ambulance Service
Tuesday, 07 June, 2016

300 vehicles outside the O&H manufacturing plant, awaiting conversion
New, greener ambulances designed in collaboration with WMAS staff
“O&H scored well in the tender process. The vehicle layout and engineering ideas they included were first rate and the steps they have taken to reduce vehicle weight are first class” said WMAS Fleet Services General Manager, Tony Page
Following a competitive tender West Midlands Ambulance Service (‘WMAS’) has awarded a £21 million contract to O&H Vehicle Conversions (‘O&H’) “to supply the Trust with over 200 of the most technically advanced and efficient ambulances to date”, according to WMAS.
O&H will supply WMAS with 220 double-crewed, front line ambulances over the next four years. WMAS is one of the few ambulance trusts to rigidly follow a five year front line fleet replacement policy.
O&H uses lighter, stronger aerospace-type build materials that increase vehicle durability and lower weight, reducing fuel consumption and cutting CO2 emissions according to the company.
“O&H scored well in the tender process. The vehicle layout and engineering ideas they included were first rate and the steps they have taken to reduce vehicle weight are first class” said WMAS Fleet Services General Manager, Tony Page.
“Along with our staff, our emergency vehicles are our most important asset. The five year replacement policy means that staff can respond using a modern, good quality ambulance fleet that is reliable and efficient.
“We have been working with our staff and O&H to come up with an innovative design that will mean better working conditions, and that will make it easier to provide good quality, comfortable care to patients in their hour of need.
“Our ambulances will be easier to drive and more fuel efficient, with lower CO2 emissions and less wear and tear; we are also looking at the introduction of lithium ion battery technology and solar panels. This all ultimately saves money that can be reinvested in recruiting more paramedics, which can only be a good thing for patients”, Tony Page concluded.
Commenting on the 220-ambulance award from WMAS, O&H Vehicle Conversions Sales and Marketing Director Lee Bott says: “We look forward to supporting West Midlands Ambulance Service’s strategic objectives with a best-in-class fleet founded on engineering innovation and manufacturing excellence.”
WMAS covers an area of 5,000 square mile, with a population of 5.5 million. It was the only English ambulance trust to exceed every performance metric in 2015-16.
Company background
O&H Vehicle Conversions (www. oh-vehicleconversions.co.uk) is one of the leading vehicle converters in the UK, renowned for its innovation in the field and an established converter since 1988.
O&H specialisms include front line A&E Ambulances; patient transport, PTS ambulances; PPV (Patient Practitioner Vehicles) and RRV (Rapid Response Vehicles); private and Motability wheelchair access vehicles, or WAVs; Welfare vans and Crew vehicles; and minibuses. O&H customers include the 13 UK ambulance trusts, private ambulance operators, local councils, Motability scheme conversions and leasing and rental companies supporting the welfare van market.
O&H Vehicle Conversions is based on a six acre site in Goole, East Yorkshire, where it has a dedicated 60,000 sq. ft. manufacturing facility.