SP Services launch LifePOINT Plus AED’s
Thursday, 11 August, 2016

With nearly 60,000 Sudden Cardiac Arrests occurring outside of hospital in the UK every year, making defibrillators more widely available can potentially save more lives each year. When a defibrillator is used within 3-5 minutes of a Sudden Cardiac Arrest, the survival chance rises from 6 to 74% which shows just how vital these machines are.*
In response to this growing awareness of the need for AEDs, SP Services have expanded their AED range to include LifePOINT Plus defibrillators.
The LifePOINT Plus AED’s have outstanding specifications and are portable, lightweight, reliable and easy to use. With prices starting at just £795 they represent fantastic value for money and are exclusively available through SP Services.
Designed to keep sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) victims alive by directing the user with voice commands, the LifePOINT Plus AEDs can be quickly deployed in the event of an SCA, with a simple three-step operation of simply turning the device on, unpacking the pads and attaching them to the patient’s chest, followed by defibrillation which is administered semi-automatically. A training model is also available at £295.
With realtime feedback, the rescuer can provide the best CPR resuscitation possible in a SCA situation. The units have a five-year warranty and come in a heavy duty integrated carry case.
Paul Watts, Head of Business Development at SP Services said: “the LifePOINT Plus defibrillators are a great addition to our range and will enable more businesses, schools, sports clubs and the wider community to have access to them. Without the need for training, the rescuer can administer CPR with defibrillation promptly without waiting for several minutes for the emergency services to arrive, potentially saving many lives each year.”
To see the full range visit www.spservices.co.uk
* Source: British Heart Foundation - September 2015