First women's HART taster day
Friday, 31 March, 2023
The Hazardous Area Response Team (HART) at NWAS recently welcomed paramedics from across the trust to one of its bases for their first women's HART taster day.
The day opened with each attendee introducing themselves to their colleagues explaining why they had chosen to attend the session. After a short presentation and safety brief the day got underway. Split into five smaller teams they quickly got to grips with the various disciplines the team had arranged for them.
Each discipline was overseen by an experienced female HART member of staff and included a safe working at height exercise, climbing the tower and abseiling down whilst having their confidence tested with a dexterity exercise whilst suspended several meters in the air! They undertook a confined space exercise in the station rig as well as a breathing apparatus and communication exercise in a pitch black room.
Unfortunately, they were unable to experience a live water exercise because of restrictions at Salford Quays due to a bird flu outbreak but they did get the chance to don the PPE and try out some bank side rescue techniques. They even got to trial the new virtual reality triage equipment developed by one of our very own HART staff members.