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A Qualification to Take You Somewhere Incredible?

An expedition is a journey to a remote area with a purpose. The purpose may be scientific, sporting or simply adventurous. The number of expeditions leaving the UK each year is constantly increasing as people seek to visit ever more remote parts of the world and undertake greater challenges.
The responsibilities of the expedition medic are numerous and varied. Before the expedition they have to undertake medical screening of the participants, give advice with regard to vaccinations and malaria chemoprophylaxis, complete a risk assessment, obtain medical equipment and provide a comprehensive medical plan. During the trip they must promote behaviour that minimises the risk of injury and illness amongst the group. They must also assess and treat unwell team members, possibly including their evacuation from the expedition site.
A wide range of medical problems may present during a trip, most commonly traumatic, infectious and environmental. Pre-existing medical conditions are also frequently exacerbated by environmental conditions and physical exertion. The expedition medic must therefore have a broad base of medical knowledge, skills and experience. Training in expedition medicine is therefore an important aspect in the preparation of the expedition medic.
Expeditions offer unique opportunities to visit remote and interesting areas of the world and to undertake challenging and adventurous activities. Skills of leadership, communication, teamwork and management will be developed. In the absence of accessible developed medical facilities the expedition medic is forced to rely on his own skills of history taking and examination as well as good judgement and experience. The role of the expedition medic is a challenging and greatly rewarding task, and the key to success is good planning and preparation before departure.
ExpeMed is the UK's longest running accredited expedition medicine course for healthcare professionals and aims to provide them with the confidence, knowledge and practical skills to plan for an expedition, maintain the expedition's health and manage illness and injuries in a remote location.
The subjects covered include expedition planning and preparation, pre-hospital emergency medicine in the field, improvisation techniques and health protection for expeditions. Key issues such tropical medicine, diving medicine, altitude medicine and climatic injuries are covered by the highly experienced instructional faculty of doctors, paramedics and expedition medics, HEMS doctors, Mount Everest expedition medics, former SAS doctors and specialists - all current and highly respected in their field.
Students will also be given the opportunity to be contacted with details of requests from companies for expedition medics. In addition to other expeditions it supports, Prometheus Medical supports The Adventurists' each year by providing the medical team for their Mongol Derby; a 1000km race across Mongolia on semi-wild ponies. Individuals attending ExpeMed are eligible for this expedition, and will be given preferential consideration.
For more information contact Prometheus Medical Ltd
Tel: +44 (0)1568 613942