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Health & Safety Trainer Courses Nationwide

We are the Accredited/Approved Train the Trainer Courses Specialist and have a wide range of Health & Safety Trainer Courses at many venues around the UK, Ireland and Abroad. We can also come to your venue to do in-house trainer course for your group Worldwide. We specialise in Trainer Courses, so why not get one or more of your staff trained to teach your health and safety courses in-house is far less expensive and gives lots of flexibility in your training program . Our trainer course range include the following:
First Aid At Work Trainer/Assessor Do you wish to teach First Aid at Work? This Approved EDI First Aid (Level 3) Trainers Award Course over 3 days is for candidates who wish to teach the full range of First Aid at Work Training Courses.
Manual Handling Trainer/Assessor What to become a Manual Handling Instructor? This Approved EDI Manual Handling (Level 3) Trainers Award Course over 3 days is for candidates who wish to teach the Manual Handling training.
Emergency First Aid (Level 3) Trainers Award If you just wish to teach the 1 day Emergency First Aid courses then you can do the NCFE approved Emergency First Aid (Level 3) Trainers Award Course for candidates who wish to teach HSE approved Emergency First Aid Training Courses.
Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (Level 3)4 Day Course PTLLS - Edexcel Accredited Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector is the same award as the 7303 (was 7302) City and Guilds PTLLS award. This is the qualification which all the awarding bodies look for if you wish to teach accredited training courses.
IOSH Patient Handling Trainer Need to teach the safe moving and handling of people? This Approved IOSH Patient Handling Trainers Course to cover the teaching of Moving and Handling of Patients/People Courses
AED Defib Trainer/Assessor Approved NCFE AED (Level 3) Trainers Course for candidates who wish to teach the full range of AED courses, a 1 day trainers course
Fire Safety Trainer What to become a Fire Safety Trainer? Then this Approved IFE Fire Safety Trainer 2 day Course, is for all persons who wish to teach accredited IFE Fire Safety Awareness training and IFE accredited Fire Warden courses
TAQA Assessor Awards Approved NVQ/SVQ Assessor Course. This course replaces the old A1 Assessors (Level 3) Award person who need to assess any NVQ/SVQ in the workplace
IQA Verifier Awards Approved NVQ/SVQ Internal Verifiers Course. This course replaces the old V1 Internal Verifiers (Level 3) Award for Internal Verifier
Need advice or assistance then just give us a call.
Call us now on 0845 3700 305 or visit