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Magpas Patient Safety Seminars 2010

Patient Safety at the Sharp End!
One day Seminar - £250
Pre-hospital Emergency Medicine is practised in a time pressured, high hazard and resource limited environment with patients who often have severe physiological derangement and urgent critical care needs.
How can we make this safe?
This one day seminar is aimed at pre-hospital providers who want to make this environment safer for patients and rescuers.
Hosted by one of the most experienced pre-hopsital emergency medical services in the UK, this seminar brings to life the key principles of clinical governance, human factors and team resource management. Richly illustrated with real life clinical cases and proven methods to avoid, trap and migrate the consequences of common error, attendees will leave with a clear understanding of how to optimise their own operational practice. The seminar is also relevant to Emergency Department and hospital based staff involved in provision of pre-hospital care.
The seminar is supplemented by access to an on-line virtual learning environment which contains all the seminar resources and range of tools to allow attendees to apply the seminar material to their own practice.
Venue: Marshall's Conference Centre, Marshalls Airport, Newmarket Road Cambridge CB5 8RX
For further information on the seminars or if you wish to book a place, please contact us
Tel: 01480 371064,
2010 Seminar Dates
27th April
25th May
22nd June
15 July
17th August
28th September
19th October
16th November
17th December
Registered Care Quality Commission Healthcare Provider (Service No. 0000062057) - Registered Charity No. 119279