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Offshore Medic Course Information

About the course
The offshore installations and pipeline works (first aid) regulations 1989 placed a duty on those in control of offshore installations, pipeline works, or any
associated activities to make provision for persons to administer first aid and emergency treatment to those who become ill or injured at work. This is a UK Health and Safety Executive approved course which encompasses all aspects of the legal requirements, alongside the latest clinical thinking.
Course structure
The initial offshore medic course is a four week modular programme. This allows our students to complete the course in four consecutive weeks or four individual
weeks over a 12 month period. The first and second weeks are classroom based theory and practical, the remaining two weeks are placement and examination.
Refreshers are a two weeks classroom based course, which can be completed modular or distance learning
over a six month period.
Who can apply
The HSE state that before commencing this course a student should have prior medical knowledge, medipro accept students who are:
• RGN and EN nurses who appear
on the UKCC register
• HPC Paramedics
• MOD medics
This list is not exhaustive, and medipro will assess potential students from varying experience on an individual basis, please contact for further information.
• HSE Offshore Medic 4 week (including Medipro
arranged placement) £1950.00
• HSE Offshore Medic 4 week
(Student arranged placement) £1295.00
• HSE Refresher 2 week course £950.00
• HSE Refresher Distance Learning
(4 elements £237.50 per element) £950.00
• HSE Offshore Medic 4 week (including placement,
GP medical, Offshore Survival 3 day course) £2700.00
• HSE Offshore Medic 4 week (including GP medical
and Offshore Survival 3 day course) £2040.00
*All costs will be subject to VAT
Other courses which are suitable for ambulance staff include:
ALSG Pre hospital paediatric life support
ALSG pre hospital obstetric emergency training
major incident medical management & support courses (1 and 3 days)
minor injuries and wound care
pre hospital trauma management
clinical history taking and physical examination skills
ECG recognition
pre hospital thrombolysis
T 0845 838 7322
F 0845 838 7344