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Train yourself to be resilient.

Train yourself to be resilient...
Attend a training course run by an Award Winning Resilience Department
A one day course suitable for all managers, and in particular PAs/Admin support staff, who may need to respond to major/catastrophic incidents for their Agency.
The course has been designed to develop and equip participants to effectively log/create a written record of major/catastrophic incidents.
"This course provides a highly practical and useful grounding for the role of loggist" - Mark Scoggins, Solicitor Advocate, Fisher Scoggins Waters LLP
A course designed to develop and equip Ambulance Service, health colleagues and Voluntary Aid Society Incident Managers at operational/bronze level to
effectively manage major/catastrophic incidents.
A three day residential course designed to develop and equip NHS, local authority and voluntary aid society managers at silver/tactical level to effectively manage major/catastrophic incidents. *A one day refresher course is also available as a follow up to this course.
"The course content is excellent and will provide a contemporaneous environment in which health professionals can develop their existing skills and gain insights into the nature of the threats they may face" - Dave Sloggett , Lecturer, Police National CBRN Centre
This course is designed to equip the candidate with the necessary skills to act as Gold Commander for their organisation during a significant/major incident.
The course is aimed at all senior managers whose role requires them to act as on call Gold Commander.
In partnership with NORMIT
This is a one day course designed to enable individuals to effectively facilitate a debrief using a reflective model following a significant/major incident or event; this technique can also be used to facilitate team meetings and staff appraisals.
In association with FC Media Ltd
This is a one day course to equip the candidate with the necessary skills to manage and respond to the media effectively, whilst giving confidence and
understanding of your organisation's responsibilities to the media. This will facilitate a proactive response to any media situation.
For further information, bespoke courses to suit your needs, prices or to apply for any of the courses, please email
or telephone 01603 422855