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Body Worn Video – The Industry Pioneers Opinion
Monday, 09 November, 2020
Adam Liardet is Managing Director & Founder of Audax. He lives in Brussels and is a former Royal Green Jacket having served in NI and... Read more
Empowering a new approach to emergency response
Friday, 06 November, 2020
Gathering and sharing the clinical information you need from the scene to the hospital has never been easier. Philips emergency medical services (EMS) solutions provide... Read more
BBC Ambulance star calls for NHS staff to open up about mental health issues
Thursday, 05 November, 2020
A star of the new series of the BBC One documentary ‘Ambulance’, Adam (34), is calling on emergency service workers to be more open about... Read more
Air Ambulance reveals 24/7 plans despite challenging times
Thursday, 05 November, 2020
East Anglian Air Ambulance (EAAA) has revealed that despite a challenging year, plans to start flying 24/7 from its new Norwich headquarters are on track... Read more
Tougher sentencing to protect ambulance staff
Wednesday, 09 September, 2020
North East Ambulance Service (NEAS) is calling on the court system to impose the full powers available to them when it comes to sentencing defendants... Read more
LAS Paramedic COVID-19 survivor
Wednesday, 09 September, 2020
A paramedic who survived COVID-19 is calling on others who have recovered from the virus to join him in donating blood plasma that could help... Read more
NHS 111 First North West launch
Wednesday, 09 September, 2020
Following pilot schemes in other regions the new service which aims to reduce overcrowding and risk of transmitting COVID-19 in hospital emergency departments is being... Read more
Fewer vital heart ultrasounds during lockdown
Thursday, 13 August, 2020
The figures show the considerable impact the pandemic has had on patient treatment and care. Only 87,902 echo tests were carried out in April and... Read more
Ambulance trust's Indian partnership
Thursday, 13 August, 2020
At the beginning of July, South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SCAS) helped launch the first NHS international partnership in Andhra Pradesh, India. As part... Read more
Dräger expands capacity for respiratory masks and sets up a production facility in the UK
Monday, 20 July, 2020
UKIn connection with the COVID 19 pandemic, Dräger has received an order from the British government to deliver respiratory protection masks (FFP3). The delivery of... Read more
Duke visits King’s Lynn crews
Tuesday, 14 July, 2020
Last month, The Duke of Cambridge visited staff from the East of England Ambulance Service (EEAST) to thank them for their hard work and dedication... Read more
Prime Minister thanks London Ambulance Service for “brilliant response” to COVID-19
Tuesday, 14 July, 2020
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has today thanked everyone at London Ambulance Service for the “brilliant response” to COVID-19. Mr Johnson met call handlers and ambulance crews... Read more
Inivos launches rapid-deployment, on-demand Ambulance Readiness Centre
Thursday, 09 July, 2020
Leading infection prevention and control experts, Inivos, have announced the launch of their innovative new Ambulance Readiness Centre product. The rapid-deployment, on-demand ambulance decontamination centre... Read more
Aquapac introduces new dock system range
Monday, 06 July, 2020
Aquapac, creator of world-class waterproof cases since 1983, is proud to announce the launch of the Dock System. The Dock System range comprises a hugely... Read more
PRU medics support London's response
Monday, 18 May, 2020
Expert teams of emergency medics are taking the Emergency Department to the patient in rapid response cars across North East London, forming a vital part... Read more
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