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Land Rover to the rescue
Wednesday, 04 March, 2009
West Midlands Ambulance Service has thanked Land Rover and volunteer organizations for their invaluable contribution during the spell of snow and bad weather around the... Read more
St John Ambulance announce five-year lifesaving contract
Wednesday, 04 March, 2009
A leading first aid organisation has announced the renewal of two five year emergency transport contracts to continue to transport and care for seriously ill... Read more
Londoners have a say on LAS
Thursday, 26 February, 2009
Londoners were invited last month to have their say on the future of the capital's ambulance service as it becomes the first in the country... Read more
Advanced Stroke Life Support Course
Thursday, 26 February, 2009
South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Trust (SECAmb), in partnership with the region's stroke networks and South Western Ambulance Service NHS Trust, has become the... Read more
Oxford Ambulance heads for Mongolia
Thursday, 19 February, 2009
Most calls to the ambulance service are to answer emergencies in the local area. On 18th July this year, however, an ambulance that has seen... Read more
Complaints need to be central part of providing safe, compassionate care
Thursday, 19 February, 2009
The Healthcare Commission's 'spotlight on complaints' report shows that only a very small fraction of the total treatments the NHS performs led to complaints says... Read more
What happens if there is a major incident in Jersey?
Wednesday, 04 February, 2009
When a Major Incident occurs in the UK, mutual aid arrangements with surrounding counties to the incident site normally swing into play to provide the... Read more
7th July survivor opens new ambulance station
Wednesday, 04 February, 2009
A survivor of the 7 July bombings, Gill Hicks MBE, declared the new Brent Ambulance Station officially open last month. Gill was taken on a... Read more
First Responder Schemes wanted
Wednesday, 04 February, 2009
The Scottish Ambulance Service is looking for volunteers to set up a number of Community First Responder schemes in North Shetland in Brae and Mossbank... Read more
An end to over 100 years service
Wednesday, 04 February, 2009
ABargoed family's 100-year association with the Welsh Ambulance Service will soon come to an end.That's when paramedic supervisor Tony Payne follows his late father Jack... Read more
Prize-winning research helps Scottish Ambulance Service
Monday, 02 February, 2009
David Fitzpatrick, a paramedic with the Scottish Ambulance Service, has won a national award for his research at the University of Stirling. The Scottish Ambulance... Read more
Medicine green bags
Tuesday, 27 January, 2009
The Welsh Ambulance Service is taking part in the Green Bag scheme to encourage people to keep all their prescription medication readily to hand in... Read more
Ambulance Crews Issued with Spit Kits
Tuesday, 27 January, 2009
Ambulances in Greater Glasgow are the first to be issued with special kits to allow crews who are spat on by patients or members of... Read more
New motorbikes for London paramedics
Tuesday, 27 January, 2009
London Ambulance Service paramedics have taken delivery of 12 new motorcycles on which to respond to 999 calls in central and east London. Motorcycle Response... Read more
Views welcomed in Wales
Tuesday, 27 January, 2009
Listening and acting on the views of patients helps shape the way the Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust and NHS Direct Wales works. Now a... Read more
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